Monday, December 23, 2019
International Business Reflection - 812 Words
1. Be well-structured or organized by using headings throughout the paper (not one long essay), i.e. Introduction; Executing Global Strategy; Global Virtual Teams; Action Plan; etc. 2. Be comprehensive in its coverage of the material: include specific examples to justify what you are saying and where appropriate linking the paper to concepts such as the MBI, COF, Hofstedes values, Organizational Architecture model. etc. 3. Incorporate references from the background reading materials as appropriate (or additional resources/references to augment what was included in class) [note: don’t go crazy with footnoted references. Just state the author in the paper, i.e., according to Lane et. al. ... and then create a bibliography at the†¦show more content†¦From an organizational awareness standpoint I have experienced first hand the differenes across multiple cultures, whether it be previously hosting WebEx meetings with my colleagues in Asia Pac at 2 AM EST, sharing a $18 Bi g Mac or Zurich, or by hosting a panel of Latin American Financial Advisors a day after a devasting loss to Germany in the most recent World Cup. This course gave me the insight and education and more importantly awareness into the power culture plays in my organization as well as the world. In order to help foster a different way and type of thinking we learned about several tools and frameworks in order to help make sense of the power that culture plays. Two tools in particular which were extremely useful were the MBI Model for use primarily in interpersonal or team situations , and the Organizational Alignment Model for use in organizational diagnosis, executing strategy, and aligning the organization. Both of these tools are crucial when dealing with diverse and global organziations as it allows us to align ourselves in the most scalable and effective way possible in order to optimize the power of globalShow MoreRelatedReflection Journal in International Business1692 Words  |  7 Pagesgiven the slides by Mr Dasilva, my heart pounded. Oh no†¦. International Business. It sounded so global and dry. I was hoping that it will be somewhat similar like Marketing. However, we were told that International Business is defined as Globalisation of Business where countries are more integrated and are interdependent on world economy. Which is similar like Marketing but in a wider view. 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