Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Debate Over Gun Laws - 1672 Words
Do you feel safe knowing your neighbor has the legal right to own a weapon that could end your life? Gun control in America has been a long fought out debate. Republicans typically believe that it should be entirely legal for Americans to own guns because it is their right from the Constitution and they need it to defend themselves. Democrats typically believe that guns should not be legal because they are dangerous weapons and they can be abused by violent people. The debate over gun laws has continued to divide American because of the many topics that people similarly address yet differently view and the different topics that some people solely argue and some completely disregard. The overall topic that each article is discussing and†¦show more content†¦This structure allows the ideas to flow more clearly to the reader the, but the stiff structure shows a lack of passion to the article that Bovy clearly had. Bovy and Wilson differed in that their tones, structures and overall topics of their articles which left the reader with different feelings and different mindsets after reading each article. The similar focus on the effect of the media on the spreading beliefs about gun control makes it clear that the media is incredibly influential in the arguments both for and against gun control. Bovy believes that, even though the media helps spread the belief that gun control is necessary, the media does not put out a strong enough argument. Bovy states that he believes, â€Å"The recent New York Times front-page editorial, as much as it infuriated some, was still too tentative†(2). By addressing the media, Bovy both claims that the media influences gun control while also stating his opinion on the effect of media on the topic of gun control. Also, by claiming that the article angered people, Bovy makes the claim that the media uses big and emotional words to persuade and scare some people or anger other people because the other people may disagree with the large statement that is being made. Similarly, Wilson discusses how the media, despite what is going on in society at t hat time, argues in favor of gun control by using big titles andShow MoreRelatedThe Debate Over Stricter Gun Control Laws924 Words  | 4 PagesThe debate over stricter gun laws has been ongoing in the United States for quite some time now. Individuals who oppose stricter gun control laws argue that the second amendment to the constitution of the United States constitute part of the bill of rights that protect the right of American citizens to bear arms, and any attempt to set up laws for gun control will be a direct violation of this (Hofstadter 10). They argue that the primary purpose of the amendment was to ensure that American CitizensRead MoreIntro:. 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It seems that the media refuses to stop talking about this topic. In fact, as soon as the press over one event disappears another event seems to revive the debate. Some citizens say that we need more restrictive gun laws. Meanwhile, other Americans say that more guns are what is necessary.Read MoreGun Control And Gun Violence1054 Words  | 5 PagesGun control generally refers to policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms (Wikipedia). This is an important definition for citizens, lawmakers, and gun lobbyists to follow over the debate on gun control. As well as the Second Amendment in the constitution which states, â€Å"The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed†. There has been a debate on whether that specifies within the home or o utside of the home. For more thanRead MoreThe Debate Over Gun Rights984 Words  | 4 Pagesstrengthen gun laws had been in place, many mass shootings, such as the one in Aurora Colorado, could have been prevented. The United States needs to implement stricter gun laws. The controversial debate over gun rights is as old as the history of the United States. It is time for lawmakers to create and enforce stronger restrictions on guns. There have been too many high profile/ mass shootings in the recent years for people to continue ignoring the problem of people’s easy access to guns. With a rich
Monday, December 23, 2019
International Business Reflection - 812 Words
1. Be well-structured or organized by using headings throughout the paper (not one long essay), i.e. Introduction; Executing Global Strategy; Global Virtual Teams; Action Plan; etc. 2. Be comprehensive in its coverage of the material: include specific examples to justify what you are saying and where appropriate linking the paper to concepts such as the MBI, COF, Hofstedes values, Organizational Architecture model. etc. 3. Incorporate references from the background reading materials as appropriate (or additional resources/references to augment what was included in class) [note: don’t go crazy with footnoted references. Just state the author in the paper, i.e., according to Lane et. al. ... and then create a bibliography at the†¦show more content†¦From an organizational awareness standpoint I have experienced first hand the differenes across multiple cultures, whether it be previously hosting WebEx meetings with my colleagues in Asia Pac at 2 AM EST, sharing a $18 Bi g Mac or Zurich, or by hosting a panel of Latin American Financial Advisors a day after a devasting loss to Germany in the most recent World Cup. This course gave me the insight and education and more importantly awareness into the power culture plays in my organization as well as the world. In order to help foster a different way and type of thinking we learned about several tools and frameworks in order to help make sense of the power that culture plays. Two tools in particular which were extremely useful were the MBI Model for use primarily in interpersonal or team situations , and the Organizational Alignment Model for use in organizational diagnosis, executing strategy, and aligning the organization. Both of these tools are crucial when dealing with diverse and global organziations as it allows us to align ourselves in the most scalable and effective way possible in order to optimize the power of globalShow MoreRelatedReflection Journal in International Business1692 Words  |  7 Pagesgiven the slides by Mr Dasilva, my heart pounded. Oh no†¦. International Business. It sounded so global and dry. I was hoping that it will be somewhat similar like Marketing. However, we were told that International Business is defined as Globalisation of Business where countries are more integrated and are interdependent on world economy. Which is similar like Marketing but in a wider view. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Looking At A Extract From Young Goodman Brown English Literature Essay Free Essays
Hawthorne uses realistic ocular imagination and symbolism, through color alterations of visible radiation and darkness, to demo contrast of the â€Å" pious and iniquitous †( 26 ) . In the beginning, it is at twilight that Brown sets off into the wood, and the eventide will gets darker.This symbolizes the prefiguration of the visible radiation of faith easy melting off from Brown as he wanders off further into the forest. We will write a custom essay sample on Looking At A Extract From Young Goodman Brown English Literature Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In bend ; stand foring the solitariness of a life without religion, which can be seen when Brown goes through desperation towards the terminal of the narrative. In contrast, the heavenly presence of the metonymy â€Å" bluish arch, the stars lighten uping in it †and the â€Å" deep arch of the celestial sphere †( 26 ) denotes a sense of hope and the strong being of religion. This is self-contradictory to the Puritan belief that the wood is a â€Å" pagan wilderness †( 26 ) , which indicate that it is irreligious and wild, where no â€Å" church had of all time been gathered nor lone Christian prayed †( 26 ) . This reassures Brown to non lose hope. However, merely as Brown manages to hold reassurance in religion, a â€Å" black mass of cloud †( 26 ) appears overhead. This brings about the downward alteration of the one time hopeful fable, where the presence of hope is now overshadowed by somberness, boding Brown`s province of depression subsequently on. Another contrast is made utilizing the symbolism of the â€Å" ruddy visible radiation †( 27 ) , â€Å" lurid blazing against the sky †( 27 ) and â€Å" four blaze pines, their tops aflame †( 27 ) to exemplify the enchantresss Sabbath, which in contrast to the Godliness of the â€Å" bluish arch †( 26 ) , is to tag the presence of immorality. These comparings illustrate efficaciously the alteration from good to evil. The usage of nonliteral linguistic communication helps to stress a sinister atmosphere created by Hawthorne. The initial rhyme â€Å" whispering without a air current †( 26 ) and the onomatopoeia â€Å" mutter †( 26 ) indicates a stalking property to the wood, proposing that there is evil skulking about. It can besides be seen as a foreshadow to the mutter of the chants Brown hears subsequently at the enchantresss Sabbath. â€Å" Nothing can be done until I get on the land †( 26 ) implies that possibly the Minister, together with the Deacon is winging, as Brown hears their voices â€Å" speaking so queerly in the empty air †( 26 ) but â€Å" the travelers nor their steeds were seeable †( 25 ) . This encapsulates the impression of the â€Å" unobserved †( 21 ) , which causes the reader to doubt whether it is existent or an extension of Brown`s phantasy. Hawthorne`s usage of sarcasm, together with controlled ambiguity, exhaustively but dexterously permeates the narrative ( Novelguide ) . The obvious would be the beginning of the infusion, where Brown overhears the conversation between the Deacon and the Minister. As these characters are figures of higher governments in the church, it is dry as the reader, together with Brown, expects these characters to exudate scrupulousness. Alternatively, they would â€Å" instead lose an ordination-dinner †( 26 ) and partake in â€Å" devilry †( 26 ) . They are so, on par in position to evildoers, who are shunned in the Puritan community. This comes after Brown`s foundational belief in God is undercut when he finds out his Catechism instructor, Goody Close, is friends with the Devil. Brown`s belief in Faith is dry as he uses his married woman as a symbolic averment to his belief. â€Å" And Faith below †( 26 ) shows that Brown sees his married woman as an incarnation of being a â€Å" pious †( 26 ) individual. Ironically, it is Faith who later causes Brown`s downward spiral to depression, when he sees Faith`s pink thread drifting down from the â€Å" black mass †( 26 ) . Distinctly, it shows that wickedness is unconditioned in worlds and that even those who are deemed to be â€Å" pious †( 26 ) are caught within its appreciation. Hence, the win-over of immorality ( Howard 1 ) . Hawthorne coins â€Å" Communion †( 26 ) in sarcasm. When defined, it is sharing the same spiritual religion ( Dictionary.com ) . Alternatively of a spiritual matter with God, Hawthorne uses has the Deacon use the term in relation to â€Å" deviltry †( 26 ) . In utilizing the term â€Å" communion-table †( 26 ) , the storyteller relates Brown`s treachery to when Jesus reveals the prognostication of his treachery ( Wikipedia ) . The footings â€Å" met †and â€Å" seen †shows the manner Brown distances and does non partake in any evil activities. However, it is dry as Brown subsequently succumbs to evil and partakes in it. The usage of a 3rd individual limited narrative ( SIM SU3-19 ) leaves the reader in equivocal purgatory, inquiring how accurate the point of position is, in showing whether what Brown sees is existent or is his semblance. Hawthorne interweaves the narrator`s ideas together with that of Brown ‘s. The usage of the withdrawal â€Å" Once, the hearer †( 26 ) takes on the sympathetic tone of the storyteller to Brown`s predicament, in his inability to now separate the â€Å" pious and iniquitous †( 26 ) . This causes the reader to be drawn along into the darkness that merely Brown is good, while giving a negative examination of the remainder of Salem. In bend ; â€Å" Night †( 26 ) is so seen as a ruling symbol of the significance refering to experiencing stray and contemplating solitariness. Perceived as the merely good character, it is dry that Brown`s concluding minutes with â€Å" his deceasing hr †( 30 ) be full of somberness. The usage of similes â€Å" like †( 26 ) , â€Å" as if †( 26 ) and the word â€Å" possibly †( 26 ) creates ambiguity for the reader as we do non cognize if this is Brown`s effort to associate the unknown to â€Å" familiar tones †( 26 ) to convey some visible radiation to the enveloped darkness he is sing. A Hawthorne manages to pull the reader into Brown`s phantasy by allowing the familiar elements of the bloodcurdling, through the usage of sarcasm and ocular imagination. Beneath this infusion, which on the surface is simply about a man`s journey through the wood, is an implicit in experience of horror and unhappiness. Hawthorne wavers Brown`s position of his Puritan community, foregrounding the thought that of the perennial battle between good and evil ( SIM SU3-21 ) . Word Count: [ 986 ] How to cite Looking At A Extract From Young Goodman Brown English Literature Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Important Role of IT/Network Managers
Question: This project will introduce you to an important role of IT/Network Managers: To select an IP PBX solution for the new call center at a companys headquarters based on the evaluation of the companys needs and vendors' VoIP product features. The Chief Information Officer (CIO) would like an 8- to 10-page document (double-spaced, font size 12) that addresses the following tasks. After a numerical-matrix evaluation, select one solution from a list of vendors, containing features and capabilities to potentially meet your company's requirements. Justify your recommendation by writing an analysis that supports such a selection based on an overall evaluation of the product and the benefits it will bring to the company. Answer: Introduction This will introduce the document for the readers. It will provide the readers with enough information to quickly glance what the document is all about, its different sections and what the readers can get out of it. Background This section will provide information about the company for the intended audience. It will contain a brief overview of the company. It will include information about the different departments of the company, key processes, statistics, client demographics among others. Apart from this, it will also provide information about people who will be using the given system. This section furthermore will have three different sub-sections i.e., the purpose for which the given system will be needed. It will also possess information about the existing solutions already implemented in the company as well as provide the reader with enough reasons as to why the existing solution fails to meet the requirements posed by the company. Purpose This section will give a brief overview of why does the company needs such a system. It will also include information regarding how does the company uses or will use such a system. Existing Solution If the company already has a system in place, then its description will be given here. It will include brief information on the existing solution, its features, usecases and technical aspects. It will also include information regarding how is the system used. Reasons This will provide details regarding why the above solution fails to satisfy the needs of the company. It will be brief but include all the relevant details regarding the ineffectiveness of the existing solution. Requirements This section will be based upon and continuation of three sub-sections given in the background i.e., purpose of the system, the existing solutions and the reasons why it fails to satisfy the needs of the company. It will present requirements and expectations of the company from the new system. It will include the following information but not limited to it such as the experience and connectivity expected out of the system, the experience of the company, platform support, the size of the business it can support, connectivity to legacy systems, multimedia support, email, chat and voice mail support, then IVR, outbound dial, CTI integration, browsing support, integration with popular CRM systems and must also have a suitable pricing. Current Offerings This section will provide a brief information about the current offerings in the market. It will list down some of the most popular enterprise solutions for IP PBX. It will also have two different sub-sections that will present a brief industry scenario and system analysis for the recommended solutions. Industry Scenario In this section, an industry overview will be given regarding the IP PBX solutions. It will also present latest developments, trends and some best practices regarding the same. System Analysis This section will provide an analysis of the systems which have been narrowed down based on a numerical matrix evaluation. Recommendations This will be the last section of the document. Based on the numerical matrix evaluation done earlier, this section will provide the recommendation of the final choice. It will also present features and benefits of the final choice as well as the improvements it will bring to the company.
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